Teaching and Students
Lectures in quantum computing for quantum chemistry (2h30) ______________________________________
Introductory days to quantum computing for physics and chemistry (1h30) (see the link)
Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, Oct. 19-20 January 2023,
During this 2-day workshop I gave a lecture on the development of quantum algorithms and their applications in the context of photochemistry and Density Functional Theory.
Quantum computing for Chemistry : the next revolution (1h) (see the link)
Institut des Science et d'Ingéniérie Supramoléculaires, Strasbourg, Oct. 24-28, 2022
This one-week workshop was dedicated to teaching quantum computing and its applications to chemistry to a hybrid audience of industrial and academic researchers (around 20 persons). I played the role of organizer and lecturer for this workshop in partnership with the ISIS Institute and the Japanese company QunaSys. I gave several lectures on the development of quantum algorithms for photochemistry and Density Functional Theory, and also the computation of excited states in general.
Lectures (285h in total) ______________________________________
Quantum Chemistry (20h)
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Nov. 2020 -- Jan. 2021
Mission : During my postdoc stage in Amsterdam, I worked as a teaching assistant in a quantum chemistry course for second year Masters students at Vrije Universiteit. I was supervising a workgroup focusing on exercises about Post-Hartree Fock theory (many-body wavefunction methods).
Physics (64h)
UFR Sciences et Techniques, Besançon, France, Sept. 2016 -- Sept. 2017
Mission : During my PhD, I gave several lectures on different topics at the University of Besançon including :
Master of Physics, 1st year (20h) : Numerical Physics.
Licence of Biology, 2nd year (6h) : Fluid mechanics.
Licence of science, 1st year (9h) : Electrokinetics.
Licence of science, 1st year (30h) : Newtonian Physics.
Tutor of Physics at the University (120h)
UFR Sciences et Techniques, Besançon, France, 2013 -- 2014
Mission : During my Master of physics, I worked as a tutor in Physics to supervise and help bachelor students with their home-works/lectures in Physics.
Tutor of Physics in High-school (80h)
Lycée Jules Haag, Besançon, France, 2012 -- 2013
Mission : During my last year of Bachelor degree, I was employed by the region Franche-Comté in collaboration with the University of Besançon to help high-school students in Physics and chemistry.
Supervision of students/internships (19 in total) ______________________________________
Mohammad Amini Valashani, Bachelor student, 2024
University of Strasbourg (France).
Subject : ``Quantum Transport and Perturbation Theory ''.
Thomas Pellegrin, Bachelor student, 2024
University of Strasbourg (France).
Subject : ``Introduction to Quantum computing for Quantum Chemistry ''.
Tom Santoni, High-School student, 2024
Subject : ``What is quantum Chemistry/Physics ?''.
Even Chiari, Master student, 2023-2024
University of Strasbourg (France).
Subject : ``Quantum computing for polaritonic chemistry ''.
Loris Delafosse, Master student, 2023-2024
University of Strasbourg (France).
Subject : ``State-specific orbital optimization algorithm for excited states''.
Loris Delafosse, Amr Hussein, Bachelor students, 2024-2023
University of Strasbourg (France).
Subject : `` A two-step Rayleigh-Schrödinger Brillouin-Wigner approach to transition energies ''.
Filip Cernatic, PhD candidate, 2022 - 2023
University of Strasbourg (France).
Subject : ``Quantum embedding strategy for multiple electronic states with the Block-Householder transformation''.
Sajanthan Sekaran, PhD 2022
University of Strasbourg (France).
Subject : ``Quantum algorithmic for quantum chemistry''.
Lucie Pepe, PhD candidate, 2022 - 2023
University of Strasbourg (France).
Subject : ``Quantum transport of energy in the presence of decoherence on an extended star network with peripheral energy defects''.
Pablo Roseiro, PhD candidate, 2022 - 2023
University of Strasbourg (France).
Subject : ``Excited state spinmerism in high-field Fe(II)-verdazyl molecular complex: versatile local spins for quantum information''.
Louis Petit, Bachelor student, 2022
University of Strasbourg (France).
Subject : "Emergence of spinmerism for molecular spin-quit generation''
Martin-Rafael Gulin, Master student, 2022
University of Strasbourg (France).
Subject : "Local potential functional embedding theory : extension to non-uniform and ab initio systems''
Martijn van Welsenes, Bachelor student, 2020
Lorentz Institute, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
Subject : "Optimising Unitary Coupled-Cluster Ansatze for Near-Term Quantum Computers"
Toby van Gastelen, Master student, 2020
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Subject : "Deep learning application to quantum chemistry: a neural network to correct a low level DFT method".
Emiel Koridon, Master student, 2019 - 2020
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Subject : "Term reduction in the electronic structure Hamiltonian for simulation on a quantum computer"
Jakob Günther, Bachelor student, 2019 - 2020
Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Subject : "Using localized Molecular orbitals for CAS-CI calculation"
Maarten Stroeks, Bachelor student, 2019
Lorentz Institute, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
Subject : "Real-Space Quantum Monte Carlo Methods for determining the Ground State of Diatomic Molecules"
Guillaume Chaverot, Antoine Baudiquez and Salah-Eddine Boudaour, Master students, 2017 -- 2018
UFR Sciences et Techniques, Besançon, France.
Subject : "Simulating quantum dynamics with differential or algebraic approaches"
Bachir Achi, Bachelor student, 2015 - 2016
UFR Sciences et Techniques, Besançon, France.
Subject : "Quantum decoherence : how the classical appearance of the world emerges from a quantum description"